Queen of 1000 Flowers (1)
A. Flower Color
Its main attraction is the dazzling flowers. It looked like a horn with a piece of the crown 5 / like a star. Sizes ranging from large crowned 8 to 10 cm to 2 cm smaller. Starting from the white color - pink - red and purple.
B. Shape Flowers
Strip crown decorated with a splash, stains or spots so that more decorative flowers.
C. Flower forms
Bulbs and roots bulging is one attraction. That could form naturally like animals, people or whatever.
D. Leaf form
Leaf shapes vary too, there is a lancet with a round tip and a small elongated with a pointed tip.The size vary from small to large. Leaf surfaces from smooth to fluffy. Dark green leaf color, green, reddish green, and some even striped yellow-green (varigata).
Adenium easy to adapt to the surrounding environment, although basically comes from the hot and dry areas. And easily treated.
Good growth in the area / environment suitable hot and dry climates and is ideal if low but if the high lands humid less than optimal for growth. At altitude 300 to 500 m above sea level less than optimal plant should be selected porous media and a good seed, otherwise the leaves will fall and the plants could die. If the plateau 1000 m above sea level slow-growing plants, thin stems and flowering lazy because of rain, clouds, fog or dew often fell against the sun
Nice to get a place of open and direct sunlight approximately 7 to 9 hours / day. Useful for the growth of stems and larger branches, will create strong roots and bulging and bring flowers.
Easy to adapt to the environment and can live in dry areas, and extreme water, a combination of hot environments, high temperature dry and well-liked by adenium, the ideal temperature ranges from 25 ⁰ C-30 ⁰ C. But adenium able to grow from 5 ⁰ C temperature - 50 ⁰ C. Damp locations not chosen because this can cause slow-growing plants that are often attacked root or stem rot. But with this constraint can now be overcome by providing a super organic fertilizer use bulbs that besides raising bulbs also prevent root and stem rot.
Page home or terrace is a good place to look after her and as much as possible away from where the blustery and got the pouring rain because lazy adenium flowering. Low humidity becomes absolutely necessary and it ranged between 40 - 60%. Plants will be free to flourish because of pests and diseases minimalist. If the humidity is high, if the roots hit within 3 to 7 days to be deflated so that the bulb dead plants.
Adenium not require intensive watering, but still need water in sufficient quantities for the growth of roots, branches, leaves and flowers. There are tips if you run out better rains doused with water wells so that particels2 hazardous air can cause damage to plants can minimalis amount. Dry conditions that will stimulate the emergence of flower buds. Requirements given water must be clean, not polluted by industrial waste:
• The degree of acidity (pH) between 6 to 6.5
• Clean, odorless, colorless and tasteless
• Free of seeds disease
• Does not contain heavy metals
• EC (Electro conductifity) or the number of existing substances and dissolve in it does not exceed 0.20 ms
Very fond of the dry environment because perakarannya efficient in water use, so adenium do not like wet soil or muddy. Media must be porous so that these plants can thrive for free through roots. Adenium more interesting if the lively interest. If diligent pruning and intensive care. But it must be ensured if the plants healthy - fresh and firm. Routine maintenance should be done every day.
1. Trimming
Very useful to form the header to make it more compact. There are no fixed rules for adenium pruning techniques. Adjusted with the desire and taste.
2. Watering
Adenium not like water too much because it will lead to root rot if the lack of water while the roots shrink. Watering if the weather clears enough alone, and 1 times better in the morning between 08.00 - 09.00. If the flowering better watered 2 - 3 times a week.
3. Providing Fertilizer
Nutrient needs either a micro or macro for growth and flowering. If you use fertilizers that contain chemicals, slow-release fertilizer sown (explained later) such as Osmocote or Dekastar once every 4 months in accordance with fertilizer dose. To stimulate flowering given fertilizer containing P and K are high as Gandasil B, Hyponex Blue and Growmore.
Placed an open place and enough sunlight.
Weeds and weeds can be a vector and pest or disease nests. If the plant was allowed to grow will become competitors in absorbing nutrients, remove and discard. With a pest such as aphids, thrips, root Mealy bugs, spider Fungus gnat and diseases such as myth and pomopsis, withered shoots, root rot control to take immediate action by the appropriate pesticide fertilizer. And if the plant is not in accordance with a better pot pot was transferred to a larger size.